Interested to find out more?
Here are a collection of resources that we recommend for further reading:
Here are a collection of resources that we recommend for further reading:
Sustainable Shopping Companion A mobile app that informs you about the products you buy and the companies you buy them from, helping you find products that fit your own values and beliefs. |
Join the food sharing revolution! OLIO connects neighbours with each other and with local shops & cafes so surplus food and other items can be shared, not thrown away. If you love food, hate waste, care about the environment or want to connect with your community, OLIO is for you. |
Grow Garden
An organic farming game. Grow Garden is the fun place to learn about organic gardening and sustainable farming. Kids get to learn and understand environmental issues in a simple and entertaining way. |
Compilation of emissions estimates
A peer reviewed comprehensive and open source collection of environmental impacts. Find interesting articles in this compilation put together by Joseph Poore. |
Climate change food calculator
What's your diet's carbon footprint? Find out the climate impact of what you eat and drink by choosing from one of 34 items in a calculator and picking how often you have it. |
Greenhouse Gas Footprint Calculator
Created for The University Caterers Organisation (TUCO) - This application lets you calculate the greenhouse gas footprint of your menu options! |
The Darwin Challenge
See the difference your meat-free days make! The Darwin Challenge app has been created for those of you who have one or more meatfree days a week. This life-giving app rewards you, by showing you how your meat-free days are improving your health and your world. Small acts, big impacts. |
There is no Planet B
A handbook for the make or break years. We have the chance to live better than ever. But, as humans become ever more powerful, can we avoid blundering into disaster? Mike Berners-Lee has crunched the numbers and plotted a course of action that is practical and even enjoyable.... |
Intake 24
A diet assessment website with a free demo. Intake24 is an open-source self-completed computerised dietary recall system based on multiple-pass 24-hour recall. The online system offers similar data quality to interviewer-led recalls at a significantly lower cost. |
How bad are bananas?
The carbon footprint of nearly everything. From its modest initial entry, a text message (which creates .014 CO2e [carbon dioxide equivalent emissions]), to its grand finale: burning all the world's fossil fuel reserves (2.5 trillion CO2e, or 50 years of current global emissions), this compendium of the specific costs to the climate (in carbon emissions) of our everyday behaviors deftly blends intelligence with entertainment, perhaps creating a unique genre: a page-turner for the climate conscious by Mike Berners-Lee. |
A diet optimisation tool from the Rowett Institute. The program uses mathematical methodology to create a ‘weekly shopping list’, offering a selection of food items that satisfies a combination of criteria based on data input in the form of published nutritional guidelines, costs, environmental impact, and personal food preferences. |
How plants keep time: circadian rhythms
A blog post from LettUsGrow. The rotation of the earth around the sun brings with it changes to the environment: cycles of light and dark, warm and cold - not only across a daily period but also seasonally. Circadian rhythms are biological cycles with a period of around 24 hours, which can be thought of as an internal clock. They are seen throughout a wide range of life; humans, animals, plants, fungi and even types of bacteria. The prolificacy of this biological process highlights its importance to successful survival. |
The social network rewarding sustainable actions and ideas. A jungle populated with inspiring stories, a great community and real life rewards for your positive impact. |
Your Questions About Food and Climate Change, Answered
Does what I eat have an effect on climate change? Find out how to shop, cook and eat in a warming world in this article from the New York Times. |
Seasonality Table from the BBC
A handy table showing the foods that are in season for each month. See what's in season year-round, and plan your shopping to suit using this web-tool. |
Cool Farm Tool
An online greenhouse gas, water and biodiversity calculator for farmers. The Cool Farm Tool is an online greenhouse gas calculator that is free for growers to help them measure the carbon footprint of crop and livestock products. |
The Waste and Resources Action Programme. WRAP is working with organisations in the food and drink industry to create economic and environmental value from reducing food waste and tackling issues around water scarcity across the supply chain. |
Aeroponics: an explanation
A blog post from LettUsGrow - What is aeroponics and why is it so important? This blog explains the biological basis of aeroponics, alongside a comparison of its benefits versus hydroponics. |
Food Carbon Quiz
The food system is responsible for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. Learn how to reduce your carbon "foodprint." |
Forum for the Futures Protein Challenge
How do we provide up to 10 billion people with enough protein in a way that is healthy, affordable and good for the planet? The Protein Challenge 2040 is the first global coalition of its kind, aiming to tackle this question. |
Food Climate Research Network (FCRN)
This group conducts, synthesise and communicate research on food sustainability. |
Precision Agriculture - A series of reports on how cutting edge technology can help revolutionise food production
How the Tech Community is Combating Climate Change
After a few years of climate extremes, many are wondering how they can help. The University of Texas Austin has created a climate change data and resource list showcasing how the tech community can help impact the environment. The resource includes tips for companies as well as free GitHub projects to encourage reducing your carbon footprint. |
Missing Pathways to 1.5°C
The role of the land sector in ambitious climate change action. This report provides an alternate response to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change’s request to the IPCC to analyse impacts of warming to 1.5°C and related greenhouse gas emission pathways. Prepared by representatives of the Climate Land Ambition and Rights Alliance (CLARA), the report responds specifically to the concern that many IPCC pathways rely heavily on untested mitigation approaches such as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). CLARA supports the IPCC’s objective of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change while meeting sustainable development goals and reducing poverty. |
Environment Reports - Food Matters
The University of Minnesota Institute on Environments excellent 'Food Matters' series: Briefings on the most pressing environmental challenges facing the world today. Published by the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota, Environment Reports is a collaboration between an international group of scientists, writers, and designers to combine incisive narratives about environmental challenges, backed up by cutting-edge data. |
Earth Hero
Earth Hero is your personal guide to climate engagement. You can download an app that calculates and tracks your emissions over time, making it easy for you to see how you’re doing against global reduction targets.
Earth Hero is your personal guide to climate engagement. You can download an app that calculates and tracks your emissions over time, making it easy for you to see how you’re doing against global reduction targets.
Some links for further reading:
- Read a nice article from the authors of the most comprehensive recent compilation of food greenhouse gas emissions
- Read about the increasing demand for food and its implications for the environment in “Greedy Man in a Hungry World” by Jay Rayner
- Read about the contributions to and impacts of climate change for a range of important foods in "Climate-Smart Food" by Dave Reay
- Learn about energy usage and clean energy in "Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air" by David MacKay
- Download the slides from some of Sarah Bridle's food talks here: Bluedot2019, University of Manchester Special Topics in Physics, Manchester Museum, Transition Wilmslow You can also watch a recording of Sarah's Bluedot 2019 talk.
If you’d like to add your resource to this page please contact us
Resources on mental health, suggested by Dr Chantal Basson:
Here is a really good resource for childhood anxiety during corona-virus
Here is a really good resource for childhood anxiety during corona-virus